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Regulatory Information

Contact Details 


Stoughton Infant and Nursery School

Stoughton Road




T: 01483 504172

Headteacher: Sarah Carrington

SENDCO: Rebecca Arnell

Chair of Governors: Sophie Lewis -


Public Enquiries: Please contact the office team -


We are a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (08303773). 

Registered address: Guildford County School, Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4L. 

t: 01483 888188  |   e:  |   w: 


Admissions Arrangements 

  • School admissions arrangements for the current academic year and forthcoming year can be found here


Ofsted Reports 

  • Our school’s Ofsted reports can be found here


Exam / Assessment Results 

Please note we are required to show historic results (for 2018/19), due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic 

  • 2022 KS1 Outcomes can be viewed here 


Performance Tables 

  • Our school’s link to the national performance tables can be found here



  • Our trust curriculum policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here 

  • Our school curriculum policy can be found here and the curriculum overviews and pathways can be found here


Remote Education 

  • Our remote education plan can be found here


Behaviour Policy 

  • Our trust behaviour policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here 

  • Our school behaviour policy can be found here 


Funding Premiums 

  • Our pupil premium strategy and catch up premium statement, including information on the current and previous academic year can be found here 

  • Our PE & sports premium statement can be found here


Equality Objectives 

  • Our trust equalities objectives can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here 



  • Our annual SEND information report here, on the implementation of our school’s policy for pupils with SEND can be found here


Complaints & Whistleblowing 

  • Our complaints and whistleblowing policy can be found on our trust policies page here.  


Annual Report & Accounts 

  • Our trust annual reports and accounts can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here 


Executive Pay 

  • Our trust executive pay reporting can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here 


Trustees’ Information & Duties 

  • Our school governance arrangements page can be found here 

  • Our trust governance arrangements page can be found here 


Charging & Remissions 

  • Our school charging & remissions policy can be found here 


Values & Ethos 

  • Our school values and ethos can be found here 

  • Learning Partnership Academy Trust values can be found on our trust website here 




Who we are and what we do 

  • School session times can be found here

  • School dates and term dates can be found here

  • Our privacy statement can be found on our trust website here


What we spend and how we spend it 

See above 


What our priorities are and how we are doing 

Trust Priorities, see above 

School Priorities 22/23

READING & PHONICS - Continue to improve the teaching and learning of reading and phonics, especially for the bottom 20%. 


MATHS - Further develop the NCTM Mastering Number approach from Reception to Year 2.


BEHAVIOUR - Drive consistency with how all adults manage children’s behaviour from Nursery to Year 2.




TEACHING AND LEARNING - Further develop the pedagogical model for Year 1, Task Time.



ASSESSMENT IN FOUNDATION SUBJECTS - Ensure consistency of assessment in the foundation subjects.



How we make decisions 

See above 


Our Policies and Procedures 

See above

  • Our school sex and relationships education policy can be found here

  • Our school special educational needs information report can be found here

  • Our school health & safety policy arrangements can be found here 

  • Our school accessibility plan can be found here

  • Our trust freedom of information policy can be found on our trust policies page here 

  • Our trust child protection & safeguarding policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here 

  • Our school child protection & safeguarding policy arrangements can be found here 

  • Our school early years foundation stage policy can be found here

  • Our school supporting pupils with medical conditions policy can be found here

  • Our school lettings policy can be found here

  • Our trust travel, expenses and governor allowances policy can be found here


The services we offer 

See above 

  • Our extra-curricular activities can be found here 

  • Breakfast Club can be found here

  • Afterschool Club can be found here

  • Our newsletters can be found here 

  • Other school publications, leaflets and books can be found here 

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